However, there's a big catch: we would have to transfer these contents to the user on every subsequent page load, again. Wouldn't it be logical, then, to put all of your CSS and JavaScript inline into the source code of the HTML page that needs it? The obvious benefit would be that we'd save some HTTP requests, since CSS and JavaScript wouldn't have to be downloaded separately anymore. Previously, we talked about how important it is to reduce HTTP requests if you want to have fast-loading web pages. Optimizing CSS & JavaScript CSS and JavaScript in External Files css: Select the style.scss file and choose “Compile” to compile the. Select the style.scss file from the list to see the path where CodeKit will compile the style.css file. Next, you can confirm that CodeKit is compiling as expected.

When you save style.scss, it will display in CodeKit’s list of files: Select the refresh icon on the bottom left to see the style.scss file in CodeKit scss file can understand both Sass and CSS, and CodeKit compiles them together. The reset is ordinary CSS, but that doesn’t matter because a. The first thing I recommend adding to the newly-created style.scss file is the CSS reset: html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe,h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code,del, dfn, em, font, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp,small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var,b, u, i, center,dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li,fieldset, form, label, legend,table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td, article, aside, canvas, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section, summary, time, mark, audio, video, svg, hr … This is handy if you want to take advantage of a few Sass features in an existing CSS file. scss, and it would be valid Sass that CodeKit can compile. First, create an empty file in the /sass folder and call it style.scss. Once your project and folders are setup, you are ready to write Sass. Create an empty folder called /sass in the project’s root folder, or wherever you want your CSS to be kept Creating a Sass File When the Sass files are compiled, CodeKit will create a folder called /css alongside the /sass folder which contains the compiled CSS. Next, create a folder to contain the Sass files. Hold shift to select multiple files and then select “Hide These Files ” Creating a Sass Folder This makes it easier to see the Sass and CSS files when they’re created. You don’t need the HTML compiled by CodeKit, so you should hide those files.

Select “File” > “Add Project”, then choose the project folder When you do this, you can see all the files from our project listed in CodeKit. In order for CodeKit to compile the Sass correctly for the project, you need to add the project folder to CodeKit. Once CodeKit is installed, you can open it up to see a fairly empty-looking interface. If you’re a Windows user, Prepros and Mixture are both similar to CodeKit in function and price, and Koala is a free, cross-platform alternative. CodeKit is free to try, but costs around $30 to buy. It compiles Sass files and is only available for Mac OSX. Setting Up a Sass Project With CodekitĬodeKit is my preferred GUI tool for writing Sass and I will use it in my examples below. In this three-part series, I’m going to give you an introduction to Sass based on the process I followed when building the the Web Talk Dog Walk site using Sass. Fortunately, there are GUI tools with easy-to-understand visual interfaces that make it easier to write Sass. But we don’t need to know anything about the command line, installing Ruby, or Ruby itself, to use Sass. Sass works using the command line, and it needs Ruby installed before it can do anything. I can never remember the right thing to type, and I’m terrified I’m going to accidentally type some “command of death” that wipes my computer out. The other reason I didn’t want to try Sass was the command line. There are fancy operations and functions that will satisfy the programmers, but there are also loads of cool things that just make writing CSS quicker and more efficient for the rest of us. But after taking the time to learn Sass, I found it isn’t all that complicated. Sass adds handy functions, variables and other script-like helpers that make CSS quicker to write and easier to maintain.Īt first, I avoided Sass because it seemed to be aimed at programmers (the documentation was full of programming terminology). When you write in the Sass language, you use a compiler to convert your Sass files – usually written in the.